
Industries we serve


Our live tracking gives you the exact location of staff at all times. Help manage your team of tradesmen and technicians effectively by monitoring how long it takes to complete jobs. Allocate bookings throughout the day by sending the closest vehicle to job location.  Advise customers of accurate time of arrival, proof of delivery and time at site.


Measure your staff’s daily activities with detailed reports, how many appointments made in a day, time spent at each location ensures quality time is spent promoting your business.

When driving around they are costing you money, fuel costs quickly add up, so plan the best route and ensure your salesforce are focused on reaching sales target.


Many challenges within the Transport industry can be dealt with, from rising fuel and maintenance costs, safety and compliance, to running your fleet efficiently.

Our GPS Tracking Solution can help with these issues by providing live location tracking, fuel monitoring and alerts for speeding and extended idling, driver fatigue, scheduled maintenance, not to mention history playback to check for route deviation.


Government and local Councils providing street sweepers, garbage trucks, and landscape maintenance to name a few are looking into new solutions to help manage employees, mobile assets and equipment.

We provide specific IP67 rated hardware designed for hash environment that can be mounted to plant and equipment, know where your assets are, monitoring damage & theft.


These industries operate heavy equipment and are challenged with leaving expensive equipment onsite leaving them exposed to theft or misuse.

With GPS tracking devices and live tracking software, you can easily view the location of your equipment any time, day or night.